Clàudia Mirambell
Clàudia studied architecture knowing that she will not dedicate her life to building buildings, but to follow her inevitable attraction to spaces and to reflect on how we inhabit them. As a teenager, she came into contact with movement and the performing arts at the Dance School in Celrà, where she participated in improvisation sessions, dramaturgy workshops and technical classes. Claudia jumps from one discipline to another and never wants to stop feeding on workshops and collaborations around the body and creation. She graduated in choreography and dance, also knowing that those will be just some more tools for mixing.
From a young age on, she played to create from things as they are, uniting fiction and reality. And she still does it, finding her potential in the connection of elements and not so much in the specialization of one thing.
She joins Electrico 28 and discovers that she is not alone in her obsession and love for everyday life and for public space. She needs movement to think and thought to act; listening and observing until she finds the time to contribute. She brings energy, calmness, body, ideas, passion and a dislocated and subtle humor into the collective. And receives a lot, both professionally and personally.