Team Media

Walking Definitions

An attempt to perform a live, participatory dictionary of things happening on the streets

In a lively urban place, a team of street dictionarists uses the power of observation, their bodies and their words to reflect what is there and what is happening around them. Their desire is to build a live, ephemeral and collective dictionary of life’s transience. With their own language, ‘the language of definitions’, they capture the present of a place and are nourished by whoever happens to wander nearby. The world is seen through an auditory and unpredictable dictionary that can provoke smiles, reflections, doubts, questions, tenderness and new points of view.

A definition by Eléctrico 28 is a short sequel of words being discharged reflecting on the nature of things with a register that looks for simplicity, evidence and an extraordinary perspective.

Walking Definitions aims to infect audience and passers-by of the poetics of daily life through the game of observing, feeling and inventing definitions, all together.


“A bar terrace is a gathering of tables and chairs living in sisterhood”.

Walking definitions cannot be categorized as a play or show. We prefer to define it as a real time intervention. The project can work in any lively context, as long as the performers and the audience have the freedom to move around the place to relate to their surroundings physically and to interact with other people spontaneously.

“A playground is a fenced-off piece of land designed for playing with things that don’t fit in flats.”

Original idea, dramaturgy & direction:
Eléctrico 28
Daniela Poch, Clàudia Mirambell, Alina Stockinger with the support of Josep Cosials, Jordi Solé & Ana Redi-Milatovic
Josep Cosials, Clàudia Mirambell, Daniela Poch, Alina Stockinger, Jordi Solé, Ana Redi-Milatovic, Ana Claramonte, Stefano Iagulli, Serena Ferraiuolo
Jakob Rüdisser
Arnau Vinós i Elias
Lluna Albert
Co-production and support:
ICEC, IN SITU Network, Fira Tàrrega, Teatre Lliure, Fundació Carulla
Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals
  • 06 Sep 24

    Walking Definitions

    Farout Festival

    Milano, Italy

  • 04 Sep 24
    05 Sep 24

    Walking Definitions

    Periferico Festival

    Modena, Italy

  • 18 Dec 23
    19 Dec 23

    Walking Definitions

    Plaça Catalunya, Nadal Barcelona
    Barcelona, Catalonia

  • 08 Sep 23
    09 Sep 23

    Walking Definitions

    Tàrrega, Catalonia



+34 646 450 512


INSTAGRAM, by the way
