Daniela Poch
Daniela remembers studying Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at some faculty. She remembers some studies in Corporeal Mime. She has not yet been able to explain her studies in a way that makes it all clear. She also has occasional memories of clown and Commedia dell’Arte courses with some quite skilled people. Nowadays she is addicted to taking narrative classes.
Currently, she is growing and learning by boosting Eléctrico 28. Her areas of expertise are: dramaturgy, creation, acting and all-around writing. She shies away from the organisational level of things and tries to get closer to the freer and more uncomplicated facets. She uses wit more than intelligence; impetuosity more than reasoning; contemplation more than corporeality. She loves to look at things and illuminate them with her inner world without touching them too much.
Her aspiration is to reflect on life basically by writing it down. She works to create sentences that are moving because of their simplicity, paragraphs that are moving because of their clarity and theatre that is moving because of its honesty.