[ The Frame ]
Nominated for the Max Awards and for the Catalan Critics Awards
[ The Frame ] proposes to settle down in front of the passing city life to observe it. There are chairs, eyes, words, signs, sounds, voices, tarmac and many other things. There is a myriad of characters and among them, four who are trained in the disciplines of observation and arranging of whatsoever, who submit to the vertigo of the live flow in order to capture everything that happens during 45 minutes. There is no plot. There is no ending.
[ The Frame ] is many species of spaces – playful, poetic, for surprises and spontaneous actions, for meeting strangers – but, above all, it is about crisscrossing the ordinary, the trivial and the general to discover and fall in love with the extraordinary, the special and the unique.

An invitation to stop
An opportunity to see the eyes of the other
A space to understand some things
A tribute to the present and daily life
A call to open our hearts
A pacific riot against capitalist thought

“The events on the streets are commented on in a delicate way; sometimes funny, sometimes softly directing; always unruffled and regarded with favour. And people react, everybody in their own fashion; some are startled, others enjoys the sudden attention. Aristotle once underpinned his philosophy with the statement that art is able to demonstrate the general in the special. This production is the negation of this thought since it carves the special nucleus out of the general. Sitting. Walking. Looking. Much more is not needed and still one can be sure to know many strangers better than before. And at the same time, oneself.”
Roland Schwarz, Kronen Zeitung

“[ The Frame ] made me cry, it made me laugh, it made me think… It’s an artistic mindfulness made for the city and its people.”
Judita Strumilaite (Vilnius, 2022)
“I definitely remember that I had tears in my eyes (with a smile, of course) almost the whole performance. The main beauty was noticing the tiny small details of the streets.”
Greta Glebaviciute (Vilnius, 2022)
“The performance was a true revelation for me. It deeply touched the strings of my soul. I couldn’t hold back tears of happiness, realizing that even in the toughest times, life remains humane and beautiful.”
Jekaterina Bitus (Vilnius, 2022)

[ The Frame ] has been performed in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Netherlands, UK, Scotland, Lithuania, Denmark, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Kosovo and South Korea.

06 Dec 24
[ The Frame ]
Ripollet, Catalonia -
15 Nov 24
16 Nov 24[ The Frame ]
Festival de Narrativas Cuéntalo
Logroño, Spain -
12 Sep 24
13 Sep 24[ The Frame ]
La Strada
Brescia, Italy -
28 Aug 24
29 Aug 24[ The Frame ]
Pristina, Kosovo -
01 Aug 24
03 Aug 24[ The Frame ]
Passage Festival
Helsingør, Denmark -
20 Jul 24
21 Jul 24[ The Frame ]
Surge Festival
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom -
28 Jun 24
29 Jun 24[ The Frame ]
Cultura o extinció Festival
Tarragona, Catalonia -
25 May 24
[ The Frame ]
Teatre Auditori i Pell de Garitu (GPS)
Cardedeu, Catalonia -
17 May 24
19 May 24[ The Frame ]
Bildstörung Festival
Detmold, Germany -
04 May 24
06 May 24[ The Frame ]
Ansan Street Arts Festival.
Ansan, South Korea -
27 Apr 24
[ The Frame ]
Domestic Data Streamers
Barcelona, Catalonia -
13 Apr 24
[ The Frame ]
Teatre Auditori (GPS)
Granollers, Catalonia