Espresso Encounters Terrassa

The Salmons of Terrassa (5th chapter)

Many thanks to: Pep Pla, who understood the project after only witnessing 15 minutes and decided to go for a co-production. To Jordi and Jaume from the Miele store for letting us have your storage room full of entrails of old washing machines and fridges. To Teatre Alegría, where the audience met in order to not go to the theatre. To the bakery Girabent, which became our office every morning. To Lavinia Hervás from CAET, who contacted our collaborating artists and helped us finding the necessary performance spots. To the Garrigó Sisters Bet and Anna for walking, running and making the neon scarves fly. To Quim, the butcher. To Giselle Stanzione, who made us doubt about her being part of this with her performance as postwoman and waitress at Petit Palau. To Albert Querol the fastest pool noodle-distributor ever. To Max Schade, the de-contextualized and emancipated surf-dad who was also our photographer and scene-painter. To Jaro for his amazed look out of the pram. To the Arxiu Històric for the pictures for the street gallery. To the supermarket Casa Evaristo for the trolley and for letting Eugeni ride your boat every day in his attempt to save our audience. To Claudio for the other boat with which he actually saved our audience. To Pau Gómez, our great help from the Festival for his hilarious appearance in tight swimming trunks and the extra hours you made for us. To Calçats Terrassa, the shoe store, for Pau‘s balcony. To the restaurant Olivetti for the windows of the rain. To Antonio and Juan, who welcomed us with open arms to their precious bar Petit Palau. Thank you for providing us with such a great stage and acting in a supporting role. To Vicenç and Correos Barcelona for equipping us with the authentic Correos props. To Osoestudio Barcelona, above all, to Carlos Parra, for the recordings, the soundscapes, the new music and the enthusiasm for the project. FALTA AMIGO CARLOS. To Ramon for the technical support in situ and the Go Pro recordings. Finally, thanks to Josep Vallhonrat, who told us his story of the Riuada from the year 1962 and became the main inspiration for this fifth chapter of Espresso Encounters.

Festival TNT Terrassa Noves Tendències
Terrassa, Catalunya
2nd / 3rd /4th October 2015 (6 performances)

Team: Alina, Sergi, Josep, Daniela, Lilli, Carlos

Photos: Max Schade

Press: News in Diari de Terrassa

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